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10 Healthy Pregnancy Tips Every Mom-to-Be Needs to Hear

Written by pixsee editor | Oct 17, 2022 6:05:45 PM

As a person with a bump, expect strangers to stop you in the street a lot as you approach your due date! Kind interlopers love nothing more than giving pregnant women advice. Add that to the piles and piles of pregnancy and parenting books teetering on your bedside table, and you'll quickly find yourself overwhelmed by tips, ideas, advice, and stories.

Pregnancy is about knowing your body, trusting yourself, and making the best choices for you and your sweet baby. We promise that you don't need to take advice from strangers to stay healthy during pregnancy. Instead, we've collected ten essential pregnancy tips for moms-to-be that focus on you and your experience.

Read on to discover ten tips to help any mom enjoy a happy, healthy, stress-free pregnancy.


1. Eat Dessert First

If you're reading this during your first trimester, we're sure you're familiar with the concept of pregnancy cravings. Your body is host to many new hormones, and your brain wants you to take in as much nutrition as possible. You might crave strange food combinations or discover that your sweet tooth has gone into overdrive.

While giving into your cravings is sometimes appropriate, the key is to indulge thoughtfully. Look into high-nutrition versions of your favorite snacks and desserts. Add treats like Greek yogurt, fruit pops, chia seed pudding, and smoothies to the rotation to ensure your baby gets everything they need, even when you splurge on sweets.

2. Prioritize the Perfect Pillow

If you think you toss and turn now, wait until your body develops new nooks, crannies, and contours later in pregnancy. You'll need extra support to get the rest you and your baby need. Many new moms swear by a pregnancy pillow to provide support, improve spine and limb alignment, and keep them comfy.

There are different pregnancy pillows, ranging from small wedge-shaped cushions to mattress-sized u-shaped pillows for full-body support. Don't be afraid to kick your partner out of bed if it means getting quality sleep during the third trimester. You need it!

3. Set Everything Up Early

After your baby shower, you'll have heaps and piles of adorable little boxes around the house, including everything from slings to high-tech gadgets. While many products are intuitive, some require time and critical thought. Baby slings involve a learning curve, and some devices might require assembly.  

For example, if you're lucky enough to get the Pixsee smart baby monitor, you might want to download the app before the baby arrives. You'll get to know all the sharing and safety features right away and start capturing memories from day one.

As soon as your little one is here, even simple tasks become much more challenging. It's better to do as much assembly, learning, and set-up as you can in advance.

Think of it as doing a favor for your future self!

4. Mindfulness Matters

Mindfulness is active noticing. It means slowing down, paying attention, and giving yourself the time and space to make the wisest choice in the moment. You can practice mindfulness while standing in front of a glowing freezer at midnight or as you fall asleep and survey your changing body to figure out what it needs.

Download a free meditation app and try to build a moment of mindful relaxation into your day. It can help reduce stress. Every thoughtful choice you make will help you feel better.

5. Have the Conversations Now

Once your baby is here, expect to feel frazzled and sleep-deprived. It's best to have conversations with your partner before you are both running on fumes! Sit down and discuss the delegation of tasks and responsibilities once the baby arrives so there will be no bickering, bargaining, or surprises.

6. Don't Forget Your Feet

During pregnancy, every part of your body changes—including your tootsies. Some women's feet flatten out during pregnancy, while others retain water and experience swelling. A good pair of supportive, well-fitting sneakers makes a big difference, so treat yourself.

7. Invest in a Cute Water Bottle

The most important part of a pregnancy diet is water. Your blood volume increases to help the baby get what it needs, and you need to hydrate to support those changes. If you buy a cute water bottle, it might motivate you to squeeze in enough liquid during the day to keep everything going and flowing.

8. Don't Skip Your Skincare Routine

Remember when we said every part of your body changes during pregnancy? That includes your skin, which will become more sensitive during this time. Don't skip your skincare routine—daily sunscreen is more important now than ever.

9. Sleep While You Can

In our culture, we reward hustle, so you might not want to take that extra nap, even if your body is begging for it. We're here to tell you to nap now—take two naps if you can!

It's the last time you'll have that kind of flexibility. Plus, if your body is telling you it needs it, it's for a reason.

10. Take Time to Learn

The most important piece of advice is that you don't need to listen to everyone's advice. Learn from sources you trust. Ask your doctor questions, enroll in a birthing class, and meet with a lactation consultant.

Ultimately, always seek to make the healthiest choice that makes you happy, and you will have an easy, enjoyable pregnancy.

Top Pregnancy Tips for Every Mom-To-Be

Whether you're a first-time mom or a seasoned pro, it's wise to take a moment to remember the pregnancy tips that make life easier. As always, you know your brain and body best, so trust yourself and stick with the ones that will help you most. We're sure you'll find at least one suggestion that will ensure a healthy and happy pregnancy—and don't forget to pass it on to other new moms!

Our best tip for pregnancy peace of mind is adding the Pixsee smart baby monitor to your Amazon baby registry. Your Pixsee makes every element of pregnancy easier, which is why it's the perfect parenting companion for busy moms on the move.

Visit our Amazon online store and Pixsee Shop to discover how Pixsee can make documenting and sharing your baby's first moments a breeze.