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8 Tips on How to Stop a Baby From Crying Through The Night

Written by pixsee editor | Oct 19, 2022 6:45:11 PM

According to recent research, a mother can pick out her sweet baby's unique cry after hearing it only a few times. Even so, the sound of an unhappy baby can break your heart. If the sound of a baby's cries leaves you feeling helpless and overwhelmed, you're not alone.

New parents are often desperate to learn how to stop a baby from crying. Every baby is an individual with unique preferences, and all little ones will find different things soothing. The key to finding a solution is to try many techniques and observe what helps your baby settle down and drift off to sleep.

We've created this guide to offer you eight ways to make a baby stop crying. Not every tip will work for every baby, and that's okay. Consider this a starting place to help you learn about your sweet baby's preferences, and before long, you'll be parenting like a pro.

Read on for our eight parenting tips that will come in handy the next time your little one seems inconsolable.

Tip #1: Rockabye Baby

Babies love it when you hold them and rock them. That's because babies are born with reflexes intended to help them survive. Rocking triggers a baby's natural calming reflex, an automatic neurological response that helps them relax.

We understand that you can't hold your baby all day long, and many little ones begin to cry the moment you set them down. Consider purchasing a baby bouncer or swing when your little one is the right age. These comforting devices will handle the soothing so you can step away, take a deep breath, and return in a better headspace.  

Tip #2: Walk It Off

Some new parents feel self-conscious about leaving the house with a crying or fussy baby. Often, putting the baby in the stroller and stepping outside is just what the baby needs to settle down. The change of scenery, gentle movement, and fresh air work together to form a soothing trifecta that works like magic.

Plus, taking the baby for a walk gives you something to do when feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, or helpless. It can serve as a distraction and reduce your stress level. Your baby may notice the shift and relax accordingly.

Tip #3: Music Ends a Meltdown

Did you know that babies sometimes have favorite songs? The funny thing is, a baby's musical taste isn't always limited to lullabies or children's music. Some infants fall in love with adult genres, ranging from Top 40 pop to screamo!

Music calms a baby's nervous system, helping them to regulate body functions. They love rhythms, which may remind them of the sound of a heartbeat in the womb. In some cases, the novelty of sound is enough to snap a baby out of a crying jag.

Tip #4: Start With Self-Care

Your baby knows what your heartbeat sounds like from the inside. Don't underestimate your infant's ability to tell when you're overwhelmed. Sometimes your baby's cries are out of concern for their caregiver—they know something isn't right, and crying is the only way to let you know.

You owe it to your baby to put yourself first. Include self-care tasks in your everyday routine. That might mean setting aside ten minutes to meditate or finding a sitter so you can get your nails done.

Tip #5: Try a Surprise

Have you ever started doing something and continued because your body got stuck in the habit? Sometimes babies cry, even if you've met all their needs. They might feel upset because they forgot why they're crying!

In these situations, the key is surprise and novelty. Make a funny sound, show them a new stuffed animal, or blow gently on their toes. If the distraction works, the crying will stop.

Tip #6: Embrace White Noise

The world is very big, and your baby is very small. White noise helps little ones block out the overwhelming sounds around them. Some professionals believe it reminds them of the womb.

Many household items can be sources of white noise. In a pinch, try a desk fan or a vacuum cleaner. If your little one is receptive, try a white noise machine.

Tip #7: Reduce Stimulation

Sometimes the world is too much for your sweet little baby. Little ones can get overstimulated like adults. In these situations, the key is to remove sensory stimuli to help your little one relax.

Start by turning off the lights or closing your blackout curtains. Turn off any noisy media in the house, like music or TV shows. You can even remove your baby's clothes and try some skin-to-skin contact.

Tip #8: Switch up the Scenery

Sometimes a crying baby needs a distraction to calm down. Occasionally, however, it's mom or dad who needs the distraction. Babies can pick up on parental stress, which makes it hard for them to relax once they're in crying mode.

On these occasions, it might be wise to focus on distracting yourself. Take your sweet baby into another room, or even step outside and take in some natural light. Many new parents find it helpful to switch on a favorite television show or podcast to help them switch modes, allowing the baby to follow suit.

How to Stop a Baby From Crying to Be Picked Up

The sound of a crying child is heartbreaking, and parenting becomes challenging when you're functioning on little sleep. We hope these tips on how to stop a baby from crying will ensure a future filled with pleasant dreams for you and your sweet little one. The key to all success is patience, so try these tips and stay persistent.

If you could use the help of a trusted parenting companion, it's time to incorporate the Pixsee smart baby monitor into your baby's bedtime routine. This award-winning smart baby camera includes a curated smart music box, industry-leading audiovisual features, multiple smart detections for safety and a cry decoder that new parents love.

Visit our Amazon online store and Pixsee Shop to discover how Pixsee can simplify your parenting journey.