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Having a Boy or a Girl? Old Wives' Tales from Across the World

Written by pixsee editor | Dec 30, 2021 2:39:41 AM

Bringing a new life into the world is a journey that is full of excitement and several first experiences—for both parents and the new bundle of joy. Even in the earliest stages of pregnancy, expectant parents begin dreaming of their new addition and all of the ways that their lives will change. Whether you simply can't wait to discover the gender of your baby at the earliest possible ultrasound or prefer to wait until birth, one of the most exciting aspects of pregnancy is exploring old wives' tales of gender predictions.

Everyone has heard their version of these guessing games, from analyzing the heart rate to swinging objects over the expectant mother's stomach. Nothing short of an in-depth ultrasound or DNA analysis can provide the answer everyone is eagerly anticipating, but it's a lot of fun to speculate during baby showers or those sleepless nights of pregnancy. In this list, you'll discover some of the most popular gender prediction wives' tales from across the world.


Popular Old Wives' Tales for Gender Prediction

  • Cravings - a pregnant woman who craves meat or salty food is expecting a boy. If you crave sweets or fruit, you're supposedly having a girl.
  • Shape of Pregnant Belly - if you have a round, high stomach, the old wives' tale assumes you're having a girl. If you have a lower, more oval belly, the theory says you're having a boy.
  • Heart Rate - if your baby's heart rate is 140 or lower, the old wives' tale says you're having a boy. If it's higher than 140, you should expect a girl.
  • Ring on a String - tie a string around your wedding ring (any other ring may work just as well). Let the ring dangle over your pregnant belly. If the ring gently swings side to side, the old wives' tale says you're having a boy. If it moves in a circular motion, you're having a girl.
  • Beautiful Glow - suffering from pregnancy acne or other types of skin blemishes? One tale claims your baby girl is stealing your beauty. However, if you're glowing a baby boy is on the way!
  • Morning Sickness - if nausea and uneasiness have plagued your pregnancy, then you are surely having a girl. Smooth sailing with minor tummy issues? You've got a handsome little boy on the way.


Other Gender Predictions from Other Cultures

The United States Drano Test

Drano is a chemical solution that is used to unclog sinks, toilets and bathtubs. So, what does this have to do with gender prediction? In the United States, this is one of the strangest old wives' tales for guessing the gender of an unborn baby. The tale instructs a pregnant woman to mix her urine with Drano and take note of any color change. The color will then reveal the gender of the baby. Unfortunately, there seems to be a lot of confusion about which color represents each gender.

Because of this and the exposure to chemical fumes, this one is probably best to avoid during pregnancy. If you are looking for a safer method, there's a similar old wives' tale that is popular in the U.K. This test involves mixing urine with red cabbage. If the water turns red, it indicates a boy, and if it turns pink, it represents a girl.


The Chinese Lunar Calendar

Perhaps the most well-known gender prediction tool is the Chinese Lunar Calendar. According to the old wives' tale conceived in China, the gender of an unborn child can be determined by taking the mother's birth date and the date of conception into consideration. The lunar age and lunar month are then lined up against the calendar, which reveals whether the woman will give birth to a boy or girl. This practice dates back over seven centuries, and many moms claim that the calendar works for them. Unfortunately, further studies reveal that it is only as accurate as choosing heads or tails while flipping a coin—which is about 50/50. Despite this, it is a fun way to attempt gender prediction, especially for those who are into astrology.


The French Footstep Test


While most old wives' tales for gender prediction around the world require some time and effort, the French method is perhaps the simplest. If a woman seems to start walking by stepping on her right foot first, she is believed to be expecting a boy, but if her footsteps begin on the left, she is suspected to be carrying a girl. There is no particular rhyme or reason for this belief; however, it is documented in a French book titled The Distaff Gospels, which was first published back in the year 1480.


Germany's Sleep Method

This one is one of the more simpler, yet confusing methods. In Germany, one of the most popular ways to determine the gender of a baby is by examining Mom's sleep patterns.

If she's fatigued and worn out all the time no matter how much shut eye she gets, she's having a girl. However, if she's full of energy and wakes up feeling rested and refreshed, she's surely having a bouncing baby boy.

Considering getting a decent night's sleep is one of the biggest struggles for moms-to-be, I'm not sure how accurate this method could be.  It would seem the majority of new mothers would all be convinced they were having girls! 

Final Thoughts on These Tall Tales

It can be tempting for expectant parents to try every known method of baby gender prediction during pregnancy, it is important to keep in mind that these are just for fun. None of the old wives' tales mentioned are accurate, and the only way to discover the gender of an unborn baby is through an ultrasound or blood test that analyzes fetal DNA. Still, if you need a fun way to pass the time until your gender reveal, it's exciting to see whether these old wives' tales are true or not.

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