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How To Capture the Perfect Candid Baby Photo

Written by pixsee editor | Dec 20, 2022 4:50:54 AM

You can easily carry your precious newborn in two cupped palms, but tiny babies don't stay small for long. If you blink, your precious newborn will double in size, and before long, they'll be walking, talking, and picking out a backpack for kindergarten. As they step onto the big yellow school bus, you will wish you'd captured more photos that reflected their perfect innocence during those first few weeks of life.

A candid baby photo is a magical way to freeze your precious baby in time, so you never have to forget how perfectly small and sweet they once were. If you don't know how to take candid baby photos and capture your little one authentically, now is the perfect time to learn.

We've created this guide to help new parents capture candid baby photos like professionals. Read on to discover our favorite candid baby photo tips so you can begin making authentic memories that will last for generations.

Get On Your Baby's Level

Your baby sees the world from a unique vantage point. You can take better candid photos when you squat down and view the world from your little one's perspective. Proximity makes candid photos feel more intimate and personal.

Up Close and Personal

Getting down on the ground with your baby also allows you to get closer and capture tiny details.

Imagine getting close enough to take a delicate candid photo of your baby's minuscule hands, down to the impossibly small fingernails. Photos of fingers may seem boring, but you'll be glad to have them once those tiny hands triple in size. You might also want to capture macro images of your baby's feet, their sleepy, squished cheeks, and their eyes before they settle into their final color.

Team Up

Babies gravitate toward the people they love. It can be hard to split your attention between capturing a gorgeous candid photo and interacting with your baby. If you want to get the best candid baby photos, you might need an accomplice.

The person who knows the baby best should be on the floor, interacting with the baby. The "second shooter" can be nearby, focusing on the camera. They're sure to capture plenty of smiles and giggles while your baby interacts with you or your spouse.

Better yet, ask your helper to include you in the photos! It's common for new moms to "disappear" from family photos, especially if they always serve as the family photographer. One day you will want to look back on the early days of motherhood. Your baby will never be this young again, and neither will you.

Editing Is Your Friend

Remember that not every photo needs to be perfect out of the gate. Even professionals edit and touch up their shots before they show them to the world. If you're taking pictures on your phone, don't be afraid to open the "edit" menu and make a few tweaks to bring your photos to the next level.

With that said, you can do so much more than add filters. One of the most effective tools is the "crop" feature. It's a simple way to remove visual clutter, fix finicky framing, and zoom in on what matters.

We recommend using the crop feature rather than the zoom feature when you can't be up close and personal with your baby. A phone's zoom lowers the quality of the final image while the crop feature preserves it. It helps you focus on capturing significant moments rather than worrying about composition.

Rely on Routines

A great candid photographer is, foremost, an observer. If you want to capture a perfect moment, you should begin observing your baby long before you plan to take the photo. Get a feel for your baby's daily rhythm and figure out when they're at their happiest and most bubbly.

Is your baby always giggling in their crib in the morning? Have the camera waiting when you head in to get them up for the day.

Do they light up when an older sibling comes home from preschool? Get ready with the camera, and prepare to capture some sweet smiles and snuggles.

If you know what makes your little ones happy, you won't need to ask them to smile and say, "Cheese!" Your photos will be more authentic, personal, and packed with joy.

Start With the Right Camera

Did you know that a great video baby monitor, like Pixsee, can take all the work out of capturing candid photos of your baby? Your Pixsee smart camera is more than a passive observer. It uses advanced algorithms and smart detection technology to capture between six and twelve dynamic images daily.

In other words, your Pixsee knows what principles make a photo truly great. It interprets images and uses algorithmic data to choose the best shots, similar to many smartphones' "choose a better shot" features. It can detect facial expressions such as smiles and detect interactions to ensure it preserves the kind of memories you'll want to see again and again.

Parents love incorporating Pixsee's stunning candid photos into their baby's digital growth record in the award-winning Pixsee app. You can even turn these incredible pictures into custom ecards featuring artwork designed by world-class illustrators.

Best of all, you don't need to hover over your baby with a camera hoping for the perfect facial expression. The Pixsee smart camera takes all the work out of preserving precious memories of your sweet little one. All you need to do is sit back, relax, and enjoy bonding with your baby.

Take a Great Baby Picture

A baby's innocence means it may be a year or more before they can understand what it means to smile for the camera. In the meantime, you'll need to learn how to take an incredible candid baby photo. Time is fleeting, and you won't want to miss a single whimsical moment with your precious little one.

Pixsee's Smart Capture helps you capture all your baby’s milestones by automatically taking high-quality, vivid pictures, detecting your baby’s facial expressions along with family interactions, and taking 6-12 pictures a day. You'll never miss a thing and can save memories of your child's growing up over the years.

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