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Natural Ways to Combat Nausea in Pregnancy

Written by pixsee editor | Dec 20, 2022 4:32:20 AM

If you can read this sentence without gagging, you're doing better than about 70% of pregnant women. Morning sickness is one of the most common pregnancy symptoms, frequently occurring during the turbulent first six weeks. Luckily, this uncomfortable sensation often clears up as you enter your second trimester but that's a very long time to wait for relief from this pervasive, distracting feeling.

You aren't the first mom-to-be to desperately seek remedies during that awful, queasy period. There are plenty of easy, all-natural tips and tricks that can help you combat nausea in pregnancy. It may take a few tries to find something that works, but with patience, relief is around the corner.

We've gathered our safest and most effective nausea remedies to help nauseous expectant mothers find a tool that works. Read on to finally find relief for morning sickness so you can return to your busy life.

Remedy #1: All Things Ginger

Most moms-to-be may be familiar with ginger as a pickled side dish served with sushi as an aromatic palate cleanser. While pregnant women should avoid raw fish, that ginger is worth a second look. The root is a mainstay in Chinese medicine for its inherent nausea-fighting properties.

Ginger comes in many forms, from zesty teas to sucking candies. If bubbles help soothe your tummy, you might find relief by drinking ginger ale.

Please note that it can be unsafe to consume ginger in late pregnancy or if you have a history of pregnancy loss. Consult your doctor if you have concerns.

Remedy #2: Lemons and Sour Candy

Citrus fruits and sour candy have one ingredient in common: citric acid, which can help with digestion issues. Some pregnant women find that the smell alone is enough to settle their stomachs during a bout of morning sickness.

Keep a few sour sucking candies on hand for easy access while you're out and about. If you're wary of sugar, you can also try sucking directly on a slice of citrus fruit. Lemon is a popular favorite, but limes and oranges will also do the trick.

Remedy #3: Anything Minty

Mint is plant-derived, which makes it an excellent all-natural remedy. It has natural numbing and soothing qualities that extend to the stomach muscles. Professionals suggest that it helps food move through the stomach more efficiently, which is good news if you've been struggling with bringing it back up.

If strong smells make you queasy, mint's overpowering scent can be enough to mask odd odors.

Mint comes in many forms, from gum and mint candies to soothing herbal teas. Some women even carry mint oils and use them as a body scent. If you enjoy the tingling sensation, a minty Chapstick keeps the soothing scent just below your nose.

Remedy #4: Acupuncture Treatments

Soothing pregnant nausea is not all about what you eat. An all-natural treatment like acupuncture can help decrease acid secretion, giving your GI tract a break. It can inhibit your chemoreceptor trigger zone, which is the area of the brain that controls your urge to be sick.

Acupuncture is safe for most pregnant people, but it's always wise to check with your doctor before pursuing any holistic treatment options. Some women experience mild pain or swelling, which goes away quickly.

Remedy #5: Add Some Movement

We know the last thing you want to do when you're nauseous is get up and move, but it can make you feel much better. Even a brief walk around the neighborhood can release endorphins that soothe your body's nausea response. It can also help if you've been struggling with energy.

Consider adding twenty minutes of gentle walking to your daily routine. Pop a ginger candy or a mint and use it as an opportunity to scope out routes for stroller walks once your baby arrives. Even if it doesn't help with nausea, it'll boost your health over time.

Remedy #6: Eat More Often (Seriously)

You don't want to think about eating when you're queasy, but you might only be queasy because you aren't thinking about food enough. Many women experience a reduction in nausea by switching up their meal schedules. Instead of three big meals a day, consider eating a few nutritious snacks more frequently.

This technique ensures your stomach is never entirely empty, which is sometimes the cause of your morning sickness. You'll want to make a light breakfast part of your routine, as this only works if you start eating as soon as you get up. Try to prioritize vitamins and nutrients when you put together your new menu.

Remedy #7: Separate Food and Drinks

Sitting down with a meal and a drink is a habit, but you can break the pattern with a bit of forethought. Doctors recommend enjoying beverages between thirty minutes to an hour before or after meals. If you do enjoy a drink, choose water or beverages with nutritional benefits for you and the baby, such as milk or Pedialyte.

Combat Nausea in Pregnancy With All-Natural Remedies

Once you welcome your sweet baby into the world, there will be moments when you'll need to grin and bear uncomfortable sensations like exhaustion. Until then, take your comfort into your own hands and take steps to ease nausea during the first trimester. Any of the morning sickness remedies above can be essential in your battle to combat nausea in pregnancy.

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