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Sleep Training Twins: The Best Way That Actually Works

Written by pixsee editor | Nov 9, 2022 12:03:13 AM

As a parent of twins, you can't walk down the street without someone stopping you and informing you, "you must have your hands full!" Those well-meaning people don't realize that having your hands full isn't the problem. The trouble begins when you put your babies down to sleep.

Sleep training twins comes with challenges. Twins are unique individuals on their own developmental timelines, and it takes a lot of work to get them on the same schedule. When they aren't waking one another up, they're waking you up, and it's hard to persist when you're running on empty.

We've created this guide to teach you how to sleep train twins in a gentle way that is respectful of your babies' development. We'll include our favorite sleep training tips to ensure your little ones learn to self-soothe like pros. With these parenting tips, you'll all be sleeping through the night in no time.

Read on to learn how to sleep train double the babies without doubling your stress level.

Set Your Expectations Correctly

It's common for twins to be born before forty weeks. Doctors consider twin pregnancies full term at thirty-eight weeks. Even so, many twins are born prematurely.

A premature baby will always have different developmental needs than a full-term baby. It's necessary to consider your twins' adjusted ages when sleep training.

With that said, a four-month-old baby and a six-month-old baby will have very different nap schedules. If you expect six-month sleep when your baby's adjusted age is four months, you'll end up frustrated and overwhelmed.  

It's appropriate to begin sleep training when a baby is about four months old. Have patience, and don't start too soon. Give your sweet babies a chance to reach the appropriate milestones before you begin.

Embrace White Noise

Babies are noisy, but twins tend to sleep better when they sleep in the same room. With that said, one twin often wakes up the other, creating a challenge for a tired new parent. In addition to being a calming component of a bedtime routine, white noise can help buffer such disturbances.

The Pixsee smart baby camera includes a curated selection of white noise to aid sleep training.

Consider the size of your nursery. Your Pixsee is appropriate in a smaller space. If your baby's room is large or babies sleep apart, add a stand-alone white noise machine to ensure they never wake one another at night.

White noise provides an instant audio cue that it's time to sleep. Your babies will begin to associate the sound with the nighttime routine. Paired with blackout curtains, a white noise generator like Pixsee is an ideal sleep training tool.

Keep Schedules Consistent

Many sleep training experts recommend keeping twins together for nighttime sleep but suggest separating them for naps. If you follow that guidance, one twin might wake up before the other. While you don't need to wake the other baby immediately, you should wake them after about fifteen or twenty minutes.


If you let the second baby sleep much longer, they'll no longer be on the first baby's sleep schedule. You want to do whatever you can to keep their rhythms consistent. During the next nap, keep your second baby awake for an extra fifteen minutes to help them sync back up.

Use a Baby Monitor

You don't need to use a cry-it-out method to sleep train twins successfully. You can gradually help your little ones learn to self-soothe with a baby monitor.

Comfort your babies, lay them down in their cribs, and step outside. Stay nearby and use your Pixsee smart baby camera to observe. Observing from a safe distance will help you understand whether your little ones are self-soothing or need more support.  

Whatever the case, don't return right away. Give your little ones a chance to work it out, even if they seem fussy. You can return to the room and comfort them if their emotions escalate.

Don't hold the babies any longer than you have to. Help them settle, and then return to your nearby spot to observe them on the monitor. Repeat the process until they settle down.

From there, you can leave the vicinity of the nursery. Bring the monitor along for peace of mind. This method may take time, but it is a gentle, efficient sleep training technique respectful of your babies' development.

Stick to the Routine

Whatever you do, don't switch up your new sleep training routine because you've decided it's "not working." Every technique takes time, and consistency is essential. Babies won't learn the routine if you change things up just as it's becoming familiar.

Embrace tried-and-true methods for helping little ones relax. Begin with bath time and then a soothing rocking or lullaby routine. Complete the soothing tasks in the same order whenever possible.

Research suggests that little ones with a consistent sleep routine go to sleep faster and wake up better rested than babies who do not. The key isn't finding what "works." The key is making a choice and sticking with it.

How to Sleep Train Twins With Pixsee

Sleep training one baby is challenging, but sleep training twins is a Herculean task. Luckily, new parents are heroes, and you are more than capable of accomplishing this mighty feat. Stay focused, stay consistent, and stay patient and you'll sleep train twins without breaking a sweat.

Of course, no hero has to work alone. The Pixsee smart baby camera includes a white noise generator & music scheduler to make it easier to help your sweet babies sleep. Visit our online store to discover why new parents swear by Pixsee during those early sleepless nights.