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The Only Nursery Checklist 2024 You Need For First Time Parents

Written by pixsee editor | Nov 8, 2022 11:59:42 PM

Every new mom is familiar with the nesting instinct, which kicks in shortly before your sweet newborn baby arrives. You won't be able to focus on anything other than preparing your home for your new little one. When you have your eyes on the prize, it's hard to resist impulse purchases, which can fill your baby's space with bulky and unnecessary items.

Curating the perfect environment for an infant is much easier when you begin with a quality nursery checklist. We've created this guide to help new parents navigate the process of building a nursery for the first time. We'll share what you actually need to buy to design a functional, beautiful space ideal for a precious baby.

Must-Have Items for a Contemporary Nursery

Babies are cute, but the only thing cuter are the temptingly adorable products that line boutique shelves. While there is plenty of room for frills and design, you should always start with the essentials. Once you have everything you need to care for your little one, you can add all the art and decor you want.

Here are our absolute must-have items for a contemporary baby's room.

Bedding Basics

Your baby won't be ready to sleep apart from you until they are approximately four months old. With that said, many new parents set up their baby's crib in their bedroom and then move it to the nursery when they transit. If you plan to keep the crib in your bedroom, remember to include a safe place for your baby to sleep during your early months together, such as a bassinet.

However, a crib is an essential baby room. Additionally, you'll need the following items and accessories to go with it:

  • A crib mattress
  • Crib sheets (you'll want plenty of extras)
  • A waterproof mattress pad

Remember, it isn't safe for babies to sleep with blankets, pillows, bumpers, or stuffed animals in the crib. Instead, invest in a few quality swaddle sleepers or wearable blankets.

The Changing Station

Many parents include a changing station in the nursery to make late-night changes easier. You'll appreciate the convenience while changing your sweet baby in the dark! You might also want a changing station in another part of your home to make daytime changes more accessible.

You can consider to include the following items in your baby's bedroom changing station:

  • A changing table or other flat, clear surface
  • A waterproof changing pad
  • A diaper pail
  • A selection of diapers (disposable or cloth)
  • Diaper cream
  • Wipes or washable changing cloths

Many items are nice to have, such as a wipe warmer, but they are not necessary. Be sure to create an organizational system that makes these items accessible, even in low light.

Tools for Soothing Sleep

Once you begin sleep training, you'll be grateful to have a beautiful, comfortable space where you can rock your baby to sleep. Prepare for this transition early so the process will feel natural and intuitive. These items are necessary to prioritize the comfort of your little one and yourself.

When it's time for sleep, you want to reduce sensory stimulation as much as possible. The blackout curtains and nightlight will ensure that the room is both dark and safe. The Pixsee smart video baby monitor includes a selection of white noise, essential for any sleep routine.

When you choose a chair, make sure it's comfortable for you. You'll spend a lot of time feeding, rocking, and watching your baby from that chair. If you choose a comfortable piece you love, you can transition the chair out of the nursery as your baby grows.

A Storage System

As you've probably noticed, babies need a lot of "stuff." That's why a functional organization system is an absolute necessity for first-time parents. Clutter has a negative psychological effect, and the harmony of a well-organized room can help reduce stress and keep you calm during those long nights.

Your storage system will depend on your available space and is not one-size-fits-all. If possible, we recommend modular storage units with labeled baskets that you can move and re-label as needs and priorities change. If the nursery has a closet, use it to keep extras out of sight to avoid becoming overwhelmed.

What You Don't Need in a Nursery

When you're having a baby, you spend a lot of money as you prepare your baby's space. It can be helpful to know what items to leave on the shelves. Here are a few items to avoid, either because they're unnecessary (or because they're sure to accumulate naturally over time).

  • Bumpers, pillows, blankets, or stuffed animals
  • Overstimulating singing toys or crib accessories
  • Complex diaper disposal systems
  • Bulky bookshelves

Ultimately, your baby will receive many toys as gifts from relatives. Keep things simple and functional, and add other items as needed. Instead of frills, focus on getting to know your precious new baby.

The Only Nursery Checklist You Need

For first time parents, walking down the aisle at a baby boutique can be a dangerous and expensive experience. Once you recognize what you really need to include in your baby room, you'll be able to breeze through and pick up the essentials. Bring along our nursery checklist so unnecessary doo-dads won't tempt you.

One product that every new parent needs is a reliable baby monitor. The Pixsee smart video baby monitor includes features that make it easy to track your baby's growth journey and share precious milestones with those you love. Visit our our Pixsee Shop and Amazon online store to discover why this playful chic nursery accessory looks great in any space.