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What is Belly Mapping and Why Is It Important?

Written by pixsee editor | Nov 15, 2022 9:17:57 PM

Babies are natural gymnasts and love nothing more than to spin and flip in the womb. About 4% of all babies love bouncing around so much that they're in the breech position when it's time to make their appearance. New moms can determine if their little one is positioned safely by creating a belly map.

Belly mapping is the process of documenting your little one's precise position in your tummy. You'll use art materials to create a visual reflecting your sweet baby's location during the final months of pregnancy. Some women paint maps directly on their pregnant bellies using non-toxic paints or markers!

This process is more than a fun art project, however. It can help give new moms information that can make their labor smooth and stress-free. Once you create your first map, you'll have peace of mind as you get closer to meeting your sweet baby.

We've created this guide to reveal the reasons why first-time moms love belly mapping. Keep reading to discover everything you need to know to get started.

What Is Belly Mapping?

Imagine the map of a city. It grants you a bird's eye view of landmarks and roads so you can get to your destination safely. Likewise, a belly map provides a bird's eye view of your pregnant belly—specifically, the position of your sweet baby's head, spine, heart, and limbs.

Unlike maps you can download or buy at a roadside rest stop, your belly map constantly changes as your sweet baby flips and wiggles in the womb. You can't purchase that sort of mercurial map at the store! You'll need to create your own, either directly on your belly or on a sheet of paper.

Some moms use their belly maps as simple tools to track the position of their baby's body in utero as part of labor preparation. Others consider mapping a joyful artistic process that helps them document their sweet baby's final weeks on the inside. Whether your map is simple or ornate, it can help you decide if your baby is in the ideal position for birth.

Why Do New Moms Use Belly Mapping?

We're sure it'll be no surprise to hear that labor is physically demanding and full of surprises. It might, however, be a surprise to hear that belly mapping can help mitigate the physical demands and the element of surprise. Knowing your baby's position throughout the final weeks of pregnancy allows you to feel more confident and prepared as you ready yourself to push.

Foremost, you'll be able to visualize your baby's precise position in the birth canal. That means you'll know whether your baby is head-down (ideal for birth) or in breech, which may require intervention. If your baby is not in an optimal position leading up to labor, you and your doctor may be able to try "baby spinning" to help encourage your little one to "flip" in the womb.

Furthermore, you'll be able to track the position of your baby's spine. Some babies lay flat, with their spine parallel to yours. Ideally, your baby will be in—you guessed it—the fetal position, with their spine to the left or the right.

One reason has less to do with your baby's spine and more with their head. A baby's head in the fetal position has less surface area and is more comfortable to deliver.

Delivering a baby with its spine in parallel can also lead to "back labor," which is uncomfortable. For many new moms, it's worth trying to spin the baby into a more comfortable position before labor begins.

When Should You Start Mapping?

Imagine your growing baby as a little bouncy ball in a big box. When they're tiny, they have plenty of room to flip and bounce off the sides of the box. As the ball grows, however, there will be less room to bounce and roll around, and the ball might "get stuck" against the sides of the box.

The same is true for your baby in the womb. The bigger they get, the less space they'll have to do flips and wiggle around. Though they will still have some space, their position more or less becomes "set" around the 30-week mark.

Thus, we recommend starting to map during the seventh or eighth month of pregnancy.

Most moms begin mapping after an appointment with their doctor or midwife. It's much easier if you've had a sonogram and can accurately visualize the position of your baby's head. If not, have a medical professional show you via palpation.

When to Speak to a Healthcare Professional

First-time parents need to remember that labor is a natural process. Even if you create stunning maps week-by-week, a lot happens once labor starts. Even babies in a "less than ideal" position often scoot into a better one once labor begins.

With that said, a breech position can cause issues during delivery. If you know that your baby is feet-down in the womb, you may wish to consult your doctor or another healthcare professional. They can give you the advice to help you spin or flip your baby or help you make other plans.

Navigate Pregnancy With a Belly Map

Giving birth is challenging, but there are ways to help ensure your labor goes as smoothly and successfully as possible. When you create a belly map, you can be confident that your little one is in a perfect position before their birthday. For many moms experiencing their first pregnancy, a detailed belly map is the key to a successful birth.

While belly mapping can help you pass the time until your sweet little one arrives, there's nothing like seeing your baby in person. Once they're here, you can keep an eye on your baby's position, day or night, with the help of the industry-leading visual-audio specifications that Pixsee smart video baby monitor equips. Visit our Pixsee Shop and Amazon online store to explore the ways that Pixsee can help new moms  experience effortless and joyful parentingwith multi-encryption data security.