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12 Superfoods To Eat During Pregnancy

Written by pixsee editor | Aug 22, 2022 5:20:13 PM

Your average prenatal vitamin contains up to twelve unique minerals, vitamins, and nutrients that can ensure your baby thrives in the womb. Some of those nutrients, like iodine, can be hard to include in your ordinary diet. To give your sweet baby the best chance of success in and out of your tummy, supplement your diet with a few nutrient-packed superfoods for pregnancy. 

What makes a superfood different? They contain plenty of the necessary nutrients that keep moms and babies healthy. Some superfood nutrients, like folate, are directly responsible for brain development! 

Many of these foods will help moms feel better, too. Superfoods can give you energy, supplement your fiber, and even reduce cramping. Thoughtful nutritional choices can have long-term benefits for you and your sweet little one. 

We've created a list of the superfoods that will work the hardest to nourish your baby and body. Read on to discover twelve delicious ingredients for a healthy, happy pregnancy. 

1. Leafy Greens

If you prioritize any one nutrient during pregnancy, make it folate. It's a common component in leafy green vegetables. When seeking out folate content, the darker the greens, the better. 

Folate is responsible for developing your baby's neural tube, which becomes the brain and spinal cord over time. Plus, these pregnancy superfoods contain plenty of other vitamins and nutrients. Their high fiber content makes them one of the ideal foods to eat during pregnancy, when your bowels may need some backup.

Reminder : Do not take folic acid with milk with less absorption or no absorption.

2. Eggs

While folate is necessary for brain development, it doesn't do all the hard work of building your baby's brain alone! It also needs choline, which is in egg yolks—but isn't always in your average prenatal vitamin. Research suggests that babies whose mothers prioritized choline consumption during the third trimester process information faster than their peers. 

3. Iron-Filled Meat

Pregnant women need 27 mg of iron per day at a minimum. Meat is iron-rich and comes in a form that bodies absorb efficiently. You can boost your iron intake by incorporating lean meats into your diet two times a week. 

Vegetarians can get iron from non-animal sources, but they'll have to eat more to achieve the same benefit. Pregnancy is the ideal time for flexitarians to prioritize their consumption of organic, farm-raised meats. 

4. Salmon

Salmon is one of the best pregnancy superfoods for brain development due to its Omega-3 content. Those fatty acids will help your baby build a strong and sturdy brain, which outweighs any risk of high mercury content. Fish like salmon also contain iodine and selenium, which contribute to healthy fetal development. 

If fresh seafood is beyond your budget, canned salmon offers the same benefit at a fraction of the price. Salmon salad on crackers is a delicious lunch or snack. 

5. Pepitas

Magnesium is responsible for tasks ranging from nerve function to blood sugar control. Pepitas, or pumpkin seeds, contain plenty of this hard-working nutrient.

If you don't like to eat them by the handful, look for them in your favorite granola or snack bars. They also make great crunchy toppings for salads or squash soup. They contain a ton of additional protein and fiber, so you won't regret introducing these to your diet before your baby arrives

6. Whole Grain Carbohydrates 

Carbs don't play a large role in your baby's development, but they provide moms with the extra energy they'll need to get through those early days of pregnancy. Carbs can help reduce nausea. They're a common addition to most pregnancy cravings. 

Choose whole grain carbohydrates whenever possible to take advantage of the additional nutrition. They contain zinc, fiber, iron, and vitamin B, all necessary for proper fetal development.  

7. Cottage Cheese

Iodine might make you think of cleaning a wound, but it's also necessary for proper thyroid function. It plays a role in fetal brain development, too. While you get a lot of iodine from table salt, cottage cheese is a much healthier source. 

8. Asparagus

Remember the folate in those leafy greens? Asparagus is another source that helps reduce brain and spinal cord defects during pregnancy. Like other green vegetables, asparagus also contains tons of iron to help you meet your goals. 

9. Beans and Other Legumes

The ingredients you need to cook up a healthy baby are the same ones you can find in a serving of your favorite beans and legumes. Folate, iron, zinc, and fiber make beans of all varieties some of the best superfoods for pregnancy. Plus, they're a tasty and versatile source of protein for those days when the smell of meat makes you gag. 

10. Greek Yogurt

A single serving of creamy Greek yogurt contains about a fifth of your daily calcium requirement. The fat in your favorite yogurt will help your body absorb the vitamins from your other meals. Mix in some of the best superfood powders for pregnancy to make a snack that packs a nutritional punch. 

11. Avocados

Developing brains love fatty acids, and avocados, like salmon, are full of them! Although avocados are a fruit, they're low in sugar and high in essential minerals. They provide a healthy boost in fiber to keep you regular throughout your pregnancy

12. Berries

Berries might be small, but they contain plenty of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Fruit is an excellent source of water, which helps keep you hydrated. They are low in calories, versatile, and very tasty. 

The Tastiest Superfoods for Pregnancy 

Who knew that prioritizing nutrition could be so delicious? These superfoods for pregnancy encourage healthy fetal development and help you feel great, too! Incorporate all of these foods, plus prenatal vitamins, to ensure an easy, healthy pregnancy. 

Once your baby is here, their health will remain your biggest priority. The Pixsee smart baby monitor can help you keep a close eye on your sweet baby, even in perfect darkness.

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