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Baby Room Temperature: Yes, There's a Right One

Written by pixsee editor | Oct 19, 2022 6:46:56 PM

Every sleepy-eyed baby  can tell when the temperature is too hot or too cold. Baby likes things "just right" — but sometimes overwhelmed new parents have a little more trouble figuring out what that means.

A comfortable baby will drift off to sleep without a care in the world. When that happens, you'll sleep well knowing that your little one is enjoying a blissful dream! If your sweet baby is still fussy at bedtime, it's time to take a look at the thermostat.

What room temperature is too hot for a baby, and how much humidity do they need to breathe easily?

With the pixsee Smart Video Baby Monitor, you'll have access to smart temperature and humidity detection. To use it to its full advantage, you'll need to learn more about the best baby room temperature for sleep.

Keep reading to learn what baby bear knows best. Once you get it "just right," you can both get back to those pleasant dreams!

How Do I Know if Baby Is Too Cold at Night?

It isn't always easy to tell when your baby is too hot or too cold in their crib. The anxiety can keep attentive parents awake at night with concern. There are a few clues that can help you figure out if your baby's room needs a temperature adjustment.

First, pay attention to changes in your baby's behavior. An overheated baby might be fussy, irritable, or restless. A baby who is too cold might become less responsive or lethargic.

Next, you can look for the physical signs that your baby's room needs a temperature adjustment. Put a hand to the nape of your baby's neck. Pay attention to the presence of sweat or a clammy sensation.

There might also be visual clues that your baby is uncomfortable. Overheated babies may have flushed pink cheeks and their breathing may become rapid. Their hair may appear sweaty and they may develop a heat rash on the skin.

There are fewer visual clues for when a baby is too cold. If their neck seems clammy, check their hands and feet. If they seem overly cold to the touch, they need warming up.

What Is the Ideal Temperature and Humidity for a Baby Room?

As a general rule, you can judge the temperature of any room based on your own internal cues. Are you feeling too hot or too cold? Your baby probably is, too!

Babies sleep more soundly when the temperature is just right. Regardless of the season, experts agree that the perfect range is between 68 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit (or 20 to 22 degrees Celsius). This range is perfect for babies and adults, leading to rejuvenating sleep for the whole family.

How Humid Should Baby's Room Be?

According to the EPA, the ideal humidity level is between 30% and 60% at all times. This will keep your sweet baby breathing easy, and keep mold from forming in your home. You can use humidifiers or dehumidifiers to control the amount of moisture in the air and get the level perfect.

Babies are more susceptible to moisture loss than adults. This is because their airways are tiny and sensitive. If your baby's room is too dry you might notice dry skin, frequent colds, or bloody noses.

Bacteria and viruses live longer in dry air, making it a breeding ground for seasonal illnesses. Paying attention to humidity will keep everyone in your household healthier and happier. Plus, they'll sleep much better, too!

Learn More : What is the Ideal Humidity for a Baby Room?

Is 74 Degrees Too Hot for a Baby Room?

If you're using Celsius, you might also be wondering "is 23 Degrees too hot for a baby room?" For more babies, 74 degrees Fahrenheit (or 23 degrees Celsius) is above the ideal comfortable temperature range. This can increase the risk of dangerous medical emergencies such as SIDS.

Misconceptions About Babies and Temperature

Many new parents believe that babies are cold all of the time. While a newborn baby may need an extra layer during the first few weeks of life, especially outdoors, most older infants are less sensitive. There is no need to raise the temperature in your home above 72 degrees Fahrenheit, especially if it's too warm for you!

That means you don't need to dress your baby in multiple layers at bedtime, either. If the room temperature is in the ideal range, extra bulk can lead to complications. An overdressed baby can overheat or have difficulty breathing.

Pediatricians recommend that you keep your baby's crib or bassinet free from blankets, even in the winter. You can help prevent SIDS by using a sleep sack and placing your baby on their back at night.

Ensure that your baby's room has good air circulation. There is no need to place your baby's crib near a radiator or window. Both can have dangerous consequences once your curious little one becomes more mobile.

Peace of Mind with Pixsee  

Your Pixsee Smart Video Baby Monitor is a wonderful, 24/7 companion when it comes to tracking the temperature and humidity in your baby's room. The Pixsee smart app will send you notifications about the temperature and humidity levels throughout the night. You'll be able to make adjustments remotely without getting out of bed.

Other features, like covered face detection, can keep an extra eye on baby, lessening those what-ifs. There is no need to worry about blankets, stuffed animals, or fallen nursery decor. If something does go awry, the Pixsee App will detect and decode your sweet baby's cries, even from a distance!

What Room Temp Is Too Hot for a Baby Bear Like Yours?

Goldilocks was once like you — she didn't realize how much the "just right" conditions could contribute to a wonderful night of sleep, either! Both you and your sleepy baby will dream of porridge and playmates when you master the room temperature and humidity level. Now you know what room temp is too hot for a baby!

The Pixsee smart baby monitor can help ensure that baby's room never becomes too hot or too cold! We promise that your Pixsee with calm your mind and become your most trusted parenting companion. Bring one home today by visiting our Pixsee Shop and Amazon online store and make the next "just right" choice for your family!