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Essential Nutrients for Pregnancy: What You Need to Know

Written by pixsee editor | Aug 22, 2022 5:17:58 PM

During your pregnancy, a second, tiny heart will be beating beside your own. It may seem like magic, but growing itty bitty organs is far more complex! Consuming the essential nutrients for pregnancy ensures that every last tooth, eyelash, and fingernail develops as it should. 

Some first-time parents mistakenly assume that their daily prenatal vitamin provides all the nutrition they need to grow a baby from scratch. In fact, most moms need to mindfully supplement their diet to guarantee they get the correct nutrients throughout their pregnancy. Once you become aware of the ingredients you need to help your sweet baby develop, making wiser dietary choices is easy.

We've created this brief guide to describe the nutrients your baby needs to thrive, including what they do and where to find them. Keep reading to learn what foods to prioritize when you're eating for two!

Fantastic Folate 

Fetal brain development begins taking off during the second trimester. That's when your body begins creating your baby's neural tube. This structure forms the foundation of your sweet baby's nervous system and will eventually transform into a brain, brainstem, and spinal cord. 

Building a brain is no easy feat, so your body demands many specific ingredients to ensure you do it right. The most significant of these is folate or folic acid. You need 600 mg daily to prevent nervous system defects and support the growth and development of your placenta. 

You can find folic acid in the following foods:

  • Leafy green vegetables
  • Beans and legumes
  • Enriched carbohydrates
  • Orange juice 

Your prenatal vitamin most likely provides 400 mg of your daily folate requirement. The best pregnancy diets include as much folic acid as possible, so we hope you like kale!

Incredible Iron

Oxygen is a life-sustaining element, and that's true for you and your sweet baby. The iron in your blood is the transport system for oxygen molecules. The more iron you have in your bloodstream, the easier it is for your blood cells to deliver oxygen to your baby. 

You need about 27 mg of iron to give your baby the oxygen it needs to thrive in the womb. There is plenty of iron in the following foods:

  • Lean meat
  • Low-mercury seafood
  • Beans and Legumes
  • Prune juice
  • Fortified cereals

You already consume a significant amount of iron to sustain your body systems. For the best diet during pregnancy, prioritize eating meat or seafood about twice a week. The iron in animal sources is easy for your body to absorb. 

Clever Calcium

If you grew up with the "Got Milk" campaign, you already know calcium helps build strong teeth and bones. During pregnancy, you need enough calcium to create an entire human skeleton! Expectant moms over eighteen should consume 1,000 mg of calcium daily for optimal health and wellness. 

The following foods are full of calcium:

  • Milk
  • Cheese
  • Yogurt
  • Dark green vegetables
  • Sardines

Lactose-intolerant mothers should prioritize calcium from other sources, such as supplements. Fortified plant-based milk can offer a boost. 

Valiant Vitamin D

In addition to building bones, you're also building skin and eyeballs. Vitamin D is an essential ingredient for developing sturdy skeletons and teeth. It also contributes to good fetal eyesight and healthy skin.

The best source of Vitamin D isn't food: it's sunlight! Fatty, low-mercury fish like salmon can also boost your Vitamin D levels. Enjoy a tin of sardines on the beach to absorb your 600 daily units

Charming Choline

Folic acid might work hard to help develop your baby's nervous system, but it doesn't do it alone. Choline is another nutrient that plays a role in brain and spine development. You need 450 mg each day to achieve optimal conditions. 

Foods containing choline include:

  • Milk
  • Eggs
  • Legumes
  • Soy

You'll get about 100 mg of your prenatal vitamin, which isn't enough. Seek out dietary sources, and don't skip your vitamins.  

Outstanding Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are hard-working nutrients. They aid in fetal brain and retina development and can help expecting mothers manage their moods. Pregnant women need about 200 mg daily. Keep up with this because it can help prevent pre-term labor! 

Foods full of Omega-3s include:

  • Plant-based oils
  • Fatty, low-mercury fish like salmon and sardines
  • Avocados
  • Nuts and seeds

One of our best pregnancy diet tips is to start cooking using sunflower or canola oil to take advantage of the Omega-3s. They don't have a lot of scent or flavor, so they're a good fit for many recipes. 

Brilliant B Vitamins

Moms-to-be needs Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12 to help form red blood cells.  B12 plays a role in maintaining your baby's growing nervous system. B6 also helps your body absorb the other nutrients on this list. 

Foods with plenty of Vitamin B include:

  • Meat
  • Low-mercury seafood
  • Whole grains
  • Bananas

Many vegetarians require a Vitamin B supplement during pregnancy. Talk to your doctor if you have concerns. 

Venerable Vitamin C

You know that calcium is key to healthy bones, but Vitamin C plays a role, too. When you get enough Vitamin C, you ensure your baby develops a healthy skeletal system, including teeth and gums. 

Sources of Vitamin C include:

  • Citrus
  • Broccoli
  • Tomatoes
  • Strawberries

A diet rich in fruits and veggies provides plenty of Vitamin C for you and your baby. Juices and smoothies are other yummy sources. 

Extraordinary Essential Nutrients for Pregnancy

Expecting moms like you need tons of things to prepare for a new baby, but nothing's more important than these essential nutrients for pregnancy. While you probably ignore folic acid and choline most of the time, you owe it to your sweet baby to make them a priority now. The building blocks of healthy fetal development are in your hands—and your lunchbox!

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