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Healthy Desserts for Pregnancy Without the Guilt

Written by pixsee editor | Oct 19, 2022 5:21:17 PM

Orange sherbet topped with sour pickle chips.

Chocolate pudding spread on a saltine cracker.

White chocolate macadamia nut cookies dipped in peanut butter.

If any of those odd desserts made you salivate, you're probably pregnant and craving something sweet! While it's easy to throw caution to the wind and indulge your sweet tooth during pregnancy, you must address your body's nutritional needs, too. It's possible to satisfy your cravings by whipping up a few healthy desserts for pregnancy. 

The ideal pregnancy dessert is more than a sugary splurge. It can provide nutritional benefits that keep you and your baby healthy and happy. We've curated a few of our favorites to help you balance your fiercest cravings with your desire to give your sweet baby what they need to grow and develop in the womb. 

Keep reading to learn more about the meaning and origin of pregnancy cravings and a few ideas for healthy and safe desserts for pregnancy. 

What Are Pregnancy Cravings?

Have you noticed that things smell and taste a little different now that you're pregnant? A heightened sense of taste and smell is a common pregnancy side effect. It's just one factor contributing to your craving for foods you don't typically eat. 

Two other factors can impact your attraction to weird foods or strange combinations: pregnancy hormones and nutritional deficits. 

While there's little you can do for rampant hormones, nutritional needs are easy to satisfy. Your brain hints at a craving to encourage you to seek out a source of the absent nutrient, mineral, or vitamin. For example, the extremely common pickle craving is your body urging you to consume more sodium. 

It gets stranger, however. Though rare, some pregnant women experience a phenomenon called pica, a craving for non-food items. These almost always signal a deficiency in iron or zinc, and adding them to your diet can quickly satisfy your strange craving. 

In other words, our brains and bodies know what you need to grow a healthy baby. Satisfying cravings is good as long as you address the underlying nutritional need. Make dietary choices that prioritize the essential nutrients that keep you and your baby safe and healthy.  

Guilt Free Desserts for Pregnancy

The ultimate pregnancy desserts have a sneaky secret—they contain a hearty dose of nutrition. Choose desserts you like, and be sure you aren't just eating them because they're healthy. Strike a balance between flavor, health, and fun to ensure you are rewarding yourself with a guilt-free treat that satisfies. 

Ignoring cravings can become problematic, leading to binging, sneaking food, and guilt. Instead, try one of these healthy cravings-busters. Some of them even make great breakfasts! 

Greek Yogurt Parfait

Greek yogurt contains protein and calcium, which help with the hard work of making a baby. You should use a base of full-fat Greek yogurt to boost your baby's brain development. You can find Greek yogurt in flavors or choose plain yogurt and mix in some sugar-free Jello mix to customize it to your liking. 

The toppings you choose can make a difference, too. Colorful fruits, like berries, contain vitamin C, fiber, potassium, and folate. They also have antioxidant properties.

Bananas contain potassium and can help with constipation during pregnancy. 

A sprinkle of whole-grain granola, nuts, and seeds like pepitas can add healthy carbs, fats, and protein. You can top it with a drizzle of healthy nut butter, such as peanut butter or almond butter. 

Acai Bowl

A delicious, aesthetically pleasant acai bowl might be the ticket if you want something cold and sweet. The bowls are "spoonable smoothies" made with highly nutritious fruits blended with milk and ice.

Acai is a "superfruit" that contains antioxidants, fiber, and healthy fats that contribute to the development of brains and organs. A smoothie is also a great place to "hide" vegetables, especially if you're picky. You won't notice a handful of spinach or kale. 

Like parfaits, the key to a great acai bowl is your choice of toppings. You can add fresh or frozen fruits such as mango or pineapple, decorate it with berries, and dot it with sliced banana. Gorgeous, healthful acai bowls include whole-grain granola, a sprinkle of pepitas or sunflower seeds, and a generous drizzle of nutritious nut butter. 

Chocolate Covered Banana Pops

While a sprinkle of yummy chocolate chips can make parfaits and acai bowls even yummier, sometimes a little touch of chocolate isn't enough. Instead, cut a banana in half and insert a popsicle stick into each. Dip each half into melted chocolate, lay them on parchment paper or a silicone mat, and pop them in the freezer. 

You'll satisfy your chocolate craving while embracing the benefits of potassium and fiber-rich bananas.

We recommend dark chocolate. It's high in antioxidants, lower in sugar, and good for your heart. You can add some extra healthy fat by rolling the bananas in chopped nuts a few minutes after putting them in the freezer. 

We recommend making a big batch at once so you'll always have a treat on hand when the craving strikes. 


Enjoy These Healthy Desserts for Pregnancy 

Some new moms can get caught up in eating for two during pregnancy. They spend so much time thinking about vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and calories that they forget to enjoy themselves. You can avoid falling into that trap by preparing a few of these healthy desserts for pregnancy—the best way to have your cake and eat it, too! 

While we're on the subject, why not treat yourself to something else on your list of pregnancy cravings? If you crave a playful chic well-made design, you'll adore the Pixsee smart baby monitor.

Visit our Amazon online store and Pixsee Shop to discover how our whimsical and fun smart baby camera can satisfy your craving for style, safety, and peace of mind.