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    Second Trimester of Pregnancy: What To Expect

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    Your first trimester of pregnancy feels like running a marathon. You're constantly exhausted, out of breath, and don't yet feel like you've made any progress despite the massive ground you've covered. The second trimester of pregnancy is like bursting through the finish line and feeling those warm, excited endorphins flood your system.

    In other words, this is the part that makes all that nausea and fatigue worthwhile!

    Women universally agree that the second trimester is the most enjoyable. Not only do you get to announce your news to the world, but you'll start showing. Do you know what other exciting changes and pregnancy symptoms to expect?

    We've created this second trimester pregnancy guide to share everything you need to know to make the most out of your second trimester. We'll offer pregnancy tips that will help you embrace every moment.

    Read on to learn the pregnancy advice moms-to-be swear by during the second trimester.

    When Is the Second Trimester?

    The average healthy pregnancy lasts for forty weeks, beginning on the date of your last menstrual period. We divide those weeks into three equal trimesters. The second trimester lasts approximately thirteen weeks, starting on week fourteen and ending on week twenty-seven of your pregnancy.

    In other words, the second trimester is smack dab in the middle. Your body spent the first trimester preparing for this by flooding your body with hormones. By week fourteen, your baby is the size of a lemon and possesses all its organs and organ systems.

    Positive Changes During the Second Trimester

    The turbulence of the first trimester takes many first-time moms by surprise. In comparison, the second trimester feels like smooth sailing. Here are some of the more pleasant symptoms you will experience as your pregnancy proceeds.

    An End to Morning Sickness

    Morning sickness impacts up to 70% of pregnant women during the first trimester. Doctors believe that it's due to an influx of early pregnancy hormones, which flood your body to prepare your uterus for implantation. Once those hormones balance out, your frequent nausea and vomiting will diminish, leaving most women feeling much better.

    Not every woman follows the same schedule, so don't expect all nausea to vanish when you wake up on the morning of week fourteen. If your morning sickness persists or impacts your quality of life, speak to a doctor about your concerns.

    A Boost in Energy

    One of the most challenging first trimester symptoms is fatigue. Again, hormones are primarily to blame for this slump. As you enter the second trimester, the drop in energy caused by progesterone and estrogen will decrease, leaving you feeling refreshed and awake.

    Now is a great time to prioritize physical movement, which is healthy for you and your baby. Take advantage of the boost by adding a twenty- to thirty-minute walk to your daily routine.

    A Visible Baby Bump

    For many pregnant women, the most exciting part of the second trimester is the emergence of a visible baby bump. The precise week you notice changes will depend significantly on your body type. More petite women can expect to see a tiny bulge as early as week twenty.

    The presence of a baby bump means your baby is growing big enough to begin moving around. Many women feel the first signs of their baby's tiny kicks during the middle of the second trimester. These are gentle sensations that many women call "flutters."

    These changes might also mean it's time to go shopping. The second trimester is the perfect time to begin building your maternity wardrobe.

    Other Second Trimester Changes

    Though the second trimester is easier than the first, you'll still experience symptoms and changes, some of which may be uncomfortable. Here are a few other symptoms you can expect to see as your baby develops.

    Occasional Headaches

    Your body needs to get as much blood to your womb as possible. That's how nutrients transfer to your baby, providing the nourishment it needs to develop. Thus, your blood volume increases during your first trimester, and many blood vessels broaden during the second.

    As a result, some women experience occasional headaches during the early days of the second trimester. These are typically mild and manageable.

    Pelvic and Ligament Pain

    Your ligaments are busy during the second trimester. They are stretching to accommodate your growing uterus and heavier baby. This stretching can cause discomfort in your belly and pelvic areas.

    These aches and pains can feel like cramping, soreness, or aching. The type and quality of pain often shift as your baby grows. Some discomfort is normal, but always speak to your doctor if something doesn't seem right.

    Increased Fullness While Eating

    As your uterus grows, your organs will shift to accommodate its bulk. These changes put pressure on nearby organs, such as the bladder, stomach, and intestines. Thus, you might feel full sooner than expected and may not be able to eat as much in a single sitting.

    Complete nutrition is essential during pregnancy. Consider eating meals more frequently to meet your body's changing demands. Prioritize lean foods and fiber to stave off constipation.

    Relax and Enjoy the Second Trimester of Pregnancy

    After your turbulent, exhausting first trimester, the second trimester of pregnancy will feel like a vacation. Make the most of this exciting time by getting things ready while you still have energy and a full range of motion. You'll be grateful when you reach your third trimester, which some women consider the most challenging of all.

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    publish:December 20, 2022, update:January 3, 2024

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