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    Pregnancy Self-Care You Can Do At Home

    As a mom-to-be, you can't walk down the street without fielding questions about your sweet baby. Everyone wants to know their gender, their name, and their birth position. It can make many

    expert recs | 3 minutes read

    Top 30 Adorable Nicknames for Baby Girls 2024

    Have you been searching for your new baby girl's perfect moniker on social media? If so, you might have come across famous TikToker Abbie Herber, who has famously (and controversially)

    expert recs | 4 minutes read

    10 Amazing Baby Facts About the First Month of Life

    Did you know that newborn babies have favorite songs or that they're born with more bones in their bodies than they'll have as adults?

    expert recs | 4 minutes read

    Second Trimester Tips: When Can You Feel Baby Move and Kick?

    You've entered the easy and enjoyable second trimester of pregnancy, but you've noticed a funny sensation. Recently, you seem to be experiencing an influx of funny, almost ticklish gas

    expert recs | 3 minutes read

    Top 5 Pregnancy Fears Most New Moms Have

    Do you have trypanophobia? This long word means "fear of needles," and this phobia impacts up to 25% of all adults. While this fear doesn't come up often, it might weigh heavy on your mind

    expert recs | 4 minutes read

    Twin Baby Nursery Ideas

    In contemporary America, ultrasounds are a routine part of prenatal care. Did you know that this non-invasive test wasn't in use until the 1970s? Before that, parents might not know they

    expert recs | 3 minutes read

    What To Avoid During Your First Trimester of Pregnancy

    Your sweet baby begins life as a cluster of 32 cells packed with the potential to change the world. It takes those cells only six weeks to grow a minuscule beating heart. By the end of your

    expert recs | 3 minutes read

    Perfect Baby’s Nursery Checklist: Items You Must Have

    An empty canvas is full of potential, but making the first mark can be overwhelming. The same is true when you stand at the center of an empty room and begin imagining the possibilities.

    expert recs | 7 minutes read

    Signs of Pregnancy: When Will Baby Bump Show?

    Last week, your fetal development app told you that your baby was the size of a banana. This week, it's the size of a bell pepper. Meanwhile, you only want to see your beautiful pregnant

    expert recs | 3 minutes read

    8 Common Pregnancy Myths Busted

    Did you know that ancient Greek mothers believed the only way to go into labor was to ask their friends to grab their limbs and shake the baby loose? Ancient Spanish mothers used to leave

    expert recs | 4 minutes read

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