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    The Best Safe and Fun Gender Reveal Ideas

    As soon as your perfect round bump begins peeking out, everyone from close friends to strangers will want to know one thing: "What are you having?"

    expert recs | 4 minutes read

    Baby Room Temperature: Yes, There's a Right One

    Every sleepy-eyed baby can tell when the temperature is too hot or too cold. Baby likes things "just right" — but sometimes overwhelmed new parents have a little more trouble figuring out

    expert recs | 4 minutes read

    8 Tips on How to Stop a Baby From Crying Through The Night

    According to recent research, a mother can pick out her sweet baby's unique cry after hearing it only a few times. Even so, the sound of an unhappy baby can break your heart. If the sound

    expert recs | 3 minutes read

    Healthy Pregnancy Snack Foods You'll Love

    Are you starting to worry that your baby will be born a pickle?

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    Do You Really Need a Pregnancy Pillow?

    If you're pregnant, you've likely discovered that merchandise marketed toward pregnant moms tends to be costly. Sometimes that's because manufacturers make it with stretchy, high-quality

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    Healthy Desserts for Pregnancy Without the Guilt

    Orange sherbet topped with sour pickle chips.

    expert recs | 3 minutes read

    Traveling While Pregnant - When is the Best Time?

    If you have the travel bug, you might be itching to wander before your family grows by one. Whether planning the perfect babymoon with your partner, hoping to travel for work, or dreaming

    expert recs | 3 minutes read

    Revealed: The Best Music for Baby's Bedtime

    Open your favorite social media app and perform a quick search for "dancing baby." You'll see thousands of videos of sweet babies bouncing to the beat, sometimes impressively! From their

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    What is Gestational Diabetes and Signs to Look Out For

    You might be eating for two, but pay careful attention to your blood sugar levels when you slip into the kitchen at midnight to sneak a piece of chocolate. According to the CDC, up to 9% of

    expert recs | 3 minutes read

    How to Tell Your Baby's Position By Their Kicks

    It's rare for someone to hope another person will kick them in the stomach, but new moms have unique priorities! Have you recently felt your little one kick for the first time? This

    expert recs | 3 minutes read

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