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    20 Baby Shower Games You'll Actually Enjoy Playing

    Women of a certain age find themselves attending a lot of baby showers. These charming celebrations are a festive way to build excitement, pass along advice, and shower a mom-to-be with

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    11 First-Time Mom Tips They'll Never Tell You

    Every year, more than a million women become moms for the first time. While you're in your house with a baby in your arms, it can be hard to remember that so many other women are learning

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    10 Healthy Pregnancy Tips Every Mom-to-Be Needs to Hear

    As a person with a bump, expect strangers to stop you in the street a lot as you approach your due date! Kind interlopers love nothing more than giving pregnant women advice. Add that to

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    Weight Gain in Pregnancy: How Much Is Normal?

    You have waited your whole life for this moment. You've announced your pregnancy, and today is the day you can start eating for two! You've had your eye on the chocolate cake spinning

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    The Complete Pregnancy Nutrition Guide

    You've just discovered that you're pregnant, and it's time to make some changes. Should you start by babyproofing the house, painting the bedroom, or shopping for a new maternity wardrobe?

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    Newborn Baby Sleep Guide and Sleep Tracker Worksheets

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    Top 10 Signs You're Going Into Labor

    Did you know that only about 5% of pregnant women give birth on their due date? Most mothers-to-be give birth after their baby's estimated birthday has come and gone, while a smaller

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    10 Foods You Should Never Eat During Pregnancy

    You're eating for two, but that doesn't mean you should eat everything in sight!

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    The Best Baby-Proofing Gifts for New Parents

    Take a seat on the floor in the center of any room in your house. Notice all the jutting corners and edges. Pay attention to all the electrical sockets you didn't know about, the cords ripe

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    5 Chic & Stylish Baby Nursery Ideas You Will Love

    New parents began using pastel shades of pink and blue to decorate baby rooms in the mid-19th century. Steam power was new technology back then, and the telephone was still a novel concept.

    expert recs | 4 minutes read

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