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    The Ultimate List of Grandparent Names You'll Adore

    Did you know that about one-third of all adults on earth are grandparents? We're not sure how many of those nurturing older adults go by "Grandma" and "Grandpa," but we're willing to bet

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    Top 5 Lullabies for Baby Every New Parent Should Know

    During the sixth or seventh month of your pregnancy, something mind-blowing will begin happening. Your baby's hearing will improve to the point where they can hear sounds outside of the

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    Why Am I Having So Many Braxton-Hicks Contractions?

    You've already packed your hospital bag, practiced driving to the hospital, set up your car seat, and learned to use that complicated-looking bottle sanitizer. If you're allowed the time

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    5 Foods That Fight Nausea During Pregnancy

    Are you reading this article while sitting next to the porcelain throne? You're in good company! Doctors suggest that as many as 70% of women experience pregnancy nausea or morning sickness

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    35 Funny and Sweet Quotes About Baby Sleep

    The average newborn baby needs as much as seventeen hours of shut-eye in a twenty-four-hour period. Odds are good that most of your earliest family photos will feature a slumbering little

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    7 Baby Nursery Ideas That Won't Break the Bank

    Recent estimates suggest it costs the average couple over $200,000 to raise one child. Why do so many new parents feel inclined to spend most of that massive budget on their baby nursery?

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    12 Superfoods To Eat During Pregnancy

    Your average prenatal vitamin contains up to twelve unique minerals, vitamins, and nutrients that can ensure your baby thrives in the womb. Some of those nutrients, like iodine, can be hard

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    Baby Boy Nursery Ideas That Are Far From Basic

    A nursery, like a baby, is a blank slate waiting for you to fill it with fantastic things. New parents love nothing more than dreaming about what their nursery (and their sons) will become.

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    Essential Nutrients for Pregnancy: What You Need to Know

    During your pregnancy, a second, tiny heart will be beating beside your own. It may seem like magic, but growing itty bitty organs is far more complex! Consuming the essential nutrients for

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    How to Help Baby Bond With Dad

    Bonding with a newborn baby is easy when you're a breastfeeding new mom. You have ample opportunities to place your baby on your chest, look into his eyes, and sing to him as he takes a

    editor's picks | 4 minutes read

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