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    2024 Guide for Top Baby Registry Must Haves

    Are you a planner or a pantser? Planners like to sort out every detail and prepare for any inevitability. A pantser is someone who flies by "the seat of their pants," facing challenges as

    expert recs | 6 minutes read

    Why So Many Hiccups During Pregnancy?

    You're sitting in a quiet place—maybe yoga class or the library—when a sudden, harsh croak erupts from your body.

    expert recs | 3 minutes read

    When Should You Have Your Baby Shower?

    Planning a baby shower can be tricky because babies are always on their own schedule! Ultimately, there's no hard and fast rule regarding when to hold a baby shower. Be thoughtful,

    expert recs | 4 minutes read

    What Is Belly Mapping and Why Is It Important?

    Babies are natural gymnasts and love nothing more than to spin and flip in the womb. About 4% of all babies love bouncing around so much that they're in the breech position when it's time

    expert recs | 3 minutes read

    Push Present Ideas: Should You Ask for a Push Present?

    If you're a pregnant mama ready to pop, you're about to give your partner the greatest gift he's ever received: a precious, beautiful baby. Human life isn't any run-of-the-mill present—it

    expert recs | 3 minutes read

    Baby Must Haves: How to Prepare for Your New Baby

    Life is full of thousands of firsts, but none are as emotional and exciting as welcoming your first baby into the world. Bringing home a baby isn't like welcoming a house guest, however.

    expert recs | 7 minutes read

    How to Organize a Baby Nursery

    It's easy to forget how tiny a newborn is until you're on your hands and knees hunting for a single, minuscule baby sock at 2:00 in the morning! New babies are precious, but parents need

    expert recs | 3 minutes read

    How to Teach Your Baby Sign Language

    Did you know that sign language is a complete language that includes punctuation, grammar, and unique regional variations? It even counts toward a student's foreign language credit at some

    expert recs | 3 minutes read

    Fetal Hiccups Explained: Does Your Baby Have Them?

    Do you have a human brain or an ancient amphibian brain? If you've hiccuped even once in your life, your brain might be less human than you think. Scientists believe that hiccups are a

    expert recs | 3 minutes read

    My Baby is Crying for No Reason: Should I Panic?

    Did you know that you think your baby is cute for a reason? The human brain is hardwired to find tiny, big-eyed creatures adorable. This tendency kickstarts maternal instincts and ensures

    expert recs | 6 minutes read

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