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    How to Treat Baby Acne

    Every baby grows into a teenager eventually, so you know there are hormones, acne, and attitudes in your future. What does it mean when your tiny newborn starts developing acne a few days

    editor's picks | 3 minutes read

    Best Baby Gifts That You Can Pass On

    You've just come from the mailbox to find a sweet surprise waiting for you! A friend is throwing a baby shower, and you want to be sure to bring a charming, adorable gift. If you don't have

    editor's picks | 4 minutes read

    Baby Girl Gifts for the Princess in Your Life

    Psychological studies suggest that baby girls have a natural gift for observation. Girls tend to notice details like color and texture, which means you can foster a passion for well-made

    editor's picks | 4 minutes read

    Luxury Baby Gifts That Are Worth the Price

    Have you ever heard the phrase "born with a silver spoon in your mouth?" If it makes you cringe, take a moment and ask yourself why. Doesn't every sweet baby deserve the very best?

    expert recs | 4 minutes read

    First-Time Parent Tools You Can't Live Without

    When you're a first-time parent, brace yourself for a lot of unsolicited, conflicting advice from well-meaning friends and family members. There will be a veritable onslaught of product

    editor's picks | 3 minutes read

    What is the Ideal Humidity for a Baby Room?

    Think about the last time you experienced dense, oppressive humidity. Did it impact your mood and comfort level? Did it make you feel sluggish, agitated, or grumpy?

    editor's picks | 3 minutes read

    5 Best Baby Shower Gift Ideas Your Friends Will Appreciate

    Did you know that, on average, 4.5 precious new babies are born each second? That's a lot of babies—and a lot of baby shower gifts! When one of those babies is about to become part of your

    editor's picks | 6 minutes read

    24 Baby Boy Gift Ideas New Parents Will Love

    Did you know that 51.2% of first babies are boys? Odds are better than a coin flip that you'll be shopping for some functional and cute baby boy gifts this year. When you receive that baby

    expert recs | 4 minutes read

    Baby Cries When I Leave the Room and I'm Worried

    You have taken the time to bond with your sweet baby from the moment they were born. You've spent countless hours snuggling, babbling, and staring into each other's eyes. The effort has

    expert recs | 3 minutes read

    10 Ways to Improve Mother-Infant Bonding

    Think about the last time you met someone new for the first time. It can feel awkward and stilted until you start getting to know one another better. This can take some time, but it's worth

    expert recs | 4 minutes read

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